Here are some of the projects I have undertaken in my own time.

Randomly Generating Maze Game

Uses a backtracking algo to generate new mazes each time the space bar is pressed.

Play it here, in your browser!

Link to repo

CLI Youtube Searcher

A script to search for youtube videos (and playlists) in the command line, displaying their url/video id. Intended for use with with youtube-dl, so you do not need to leave the terminal at all. Uses Google's youtube API.

Here's the docs/setup guide.

Link to repo

Local Music Playback Skill for MycroftAI

A skill/extension for the MycroftAI assistant that allows playback of downloaded mp3 files with MycroftAI (on Linux).

Here's the code.

Link to MycroftAI repo

Breakout game on the Micro:bit

A 'breakout' clone for the microbit.
Probably the smallest (graphically speaking) version of the Breakout game, uses 25 pixels/leds (arranged as a 5x5 grid).

This is the repo/python code. Check the release for a hex file you can copy to your own micro:bit.